Thursday, August 9, 2012

Because I LOVE Oriental Food

This week has been one of those weeks. The kind of week when you want to eat your favorite junk foods, and then your career, training, fitness, and clothes size tell you to hold off. So, in honor of caring for myself, I was all about some "healthier" satisfying foods this week. I am achieving my goal of "vegan until 6" that Mark Bittman recommends.

On Monday evening, I made Coconut Fried Rice! This was a google search recipe. I was craving fried rice, but was not about to order from a restaurant. I always struggle with the amount of oil and sodium in fast food or eating out in general. So, I found this recipe and adapted it!

I used brown rice, and it did perfectly. The coconut milk was a beautiful addition. I then did carrots, onions, lots of garlic, broccoli, and kale in the pan with only about 1-2 tablespoons of oil as opposed to her 1/4 cup. I made the recipe twice this week, so the first time, I did the 3 eggs and the second time did without the eggs. It was incredible. We both loved it!

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